Saturday, 28 March 2015

Napier Pump Track

Napier's new attraction opened today.  I went and took a look after work.  I bet this is going to get a lot of use and I may take my youngest sometime next week after school :)  

enjoyed by littles and older people too

good shelter for speculators too

Linking to Saturday Snapshot


  1. Wow our boys would have loved that a few years ago. It looks like a lot of fun.

  2. Oh boy! Very cool!

  3. We have a new skate park that gets lots of use.I like the idea of a covered spectator area. That is missing at our Skate Park. No BMX track for the public yet, but BMX racing is very big in our area too. The BMX Association's track in fenced (for safety's sake) and mostly dirt.

  4. What a great skate park! Thanks for sharing...and here's mine: MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT POST

  5. That looks like a whole lot of fun!

  6. Looks like fun :) Just commenting on your copyright - it's really cool how its positioning in the first picture makes it look like it's written on the sign :D.

  7. Looks like a great facility. My son would have loved that when he was a kid. Great photos showing how the park is laid out.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG
