Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Treasures in the Napier City Council Chambers

Im in the middle of a series on what I found when I visited the  Council Chambers the other day.  I have noted where some of these treasures came from some I have not.  

These were presented to Napier from the Cook Islands to commemorate the signing of the friendship between Rarotonga, Cook Islands and Napier City Council

This was presented to the City of Napier on the occasion of the 40th Twin City Anniversary with the City of Victoria 1973 - 2013

while not a treasure or gift I was taken by these door knobs

This statue is the Goddess of Friendship and Purity. according to the sign.  She was a gift from Victoria British Columbia in 1982.  She is life size.    


  1. Beautiful gifts- the Canadian items really stood out to me immediately, being so accustomed to the style.
