I have had internet problems. Unfortunately my tech savvy son is away on holiday otherwise the post I promised on Saturday would have been up yesterday, sorry folks. Without further a do here is Nelson Park which is right behind Nelson Park School.
Jull Road gates |
Nelson Park is mostly used as cricket grounds. It has seven grassed cricket blocks which are used for both international (the first one ever was played in 1921 between Hawkes Bay and Australia) and games held between different cities in New Zealand (the first one ever was played in 1920 between Hawkes Bay and Wellington). It is also used for some of our local school cricket teams.
On the fringes of the park there is also a tennis club with 6 courts and a clubhouse, a petanque club and a club house for a drones and sticks band.
Morris Road gates
these gates were built 8 years after the gates at the other end of the park
They were gifted by the family of Thomas Harvey in remembrance of him. He had been a police officer at Napier Port in the 1880s. He retired in 1901 and died a year and a half later.
Nelson Park School use it as a play area. To take this photo I stood inside the school beside the library. he children are allowed to go though the gates and play there at lunchtime with teacher supervision.